Exclusive Member Deals

If you are not a member and would like to join, click here.

As an incentive for joining, East Haddam Business Association Members have the opportunity to utilize the following special deals:

LUNCH AND LEARN – Harvard Benefits is offering “Lunch and Learn Events”. Mike Robidoux from Harvard Benefits is offering Lunch and Learn events for EHBA Members and their families. During this 15 minute workshop you will learn about the five major types of ID theft, the difference between notification and restoration plans, and learn how to protect yourself from the devastating effects of identity theft. Anyone interested can contact Mike at 860-834-1576 or email at michael.robidoux@harvardbenefits.com

LUNCH AND LEARN – Casey Chiropractic is offering “Lunch and Learn” events. For any EHBA member business able to gather 3 or more employees for a lunch meeting, Dr. Basler will bring lunch to your office and give a brief 10-15 minute talk about health tips and advice to keep you healthy in the work place. Call (860) 537-2202 or email for further details or available dates.

DUTCH OIL COUPON –Please find attached a generous offer from Dutch Oil and Propane Co., Inc., exclusively for 2019 EHBA Members!!
Be sure to take a moment to read the attached members-only offer from Dutch Oil!