Did You Know that…. The Economic Development Commissionmeets the 1st Thursday of every month at 7 pm at Town Municipal Complex? The public is always welcome to attend!
Did You Know that…. The Economic Development Commissionworks in collaboration with EHBA on recognition of a local Business of the Month? Congratulations to March Business of the Month: Middlesex Health Primary Care Moodus – East Haddam!!
Did You Know that…. The EDC is the group that puts together the Annual East Haddam Visitors Guide and facilitates the annual “Celebrate Fall” weekend on Columbus Day weekend? The Annual EH Visitors Guide is being compiled now! There is NO charge to be in the guide. To be included in the guide you must be a local East Haddam Business with an interest to supporting tourism in the area. Deadline for submissions is fast approaching! Submit your business info before March 28!!
Find out more about being included in the Annual Visitor’s Guide and other ways the EDC can help you with your local business by contacting:
Suzan M. Smith
Economic Development Administrator
Town of East Haddam
1 Plains Rd./ PO Box 385
Moodus, CT 06469
Office: 860-891-8503
Cell: 860-885-9670